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江门 || Startup Grind女性领导月 | 5月在江门和张晓彤探讨:旅游也共享


传承Startup Grind每年5月女性领导月的传统,我们本期邀请了JOYO租游创始人张晓彤Rachel作为访谈嘉宾。单车、网约车、雨伞......共享经济日渐进入我们的生活,成为一种常态。Rachel是怎样从一个拉杆箱开始旅行用品共享平台的创业旅程呢?共享为生活带来的便利和安全隐患一直争议不断,从业者应该如何平衡?女性想要在职场实现自我价值是否需要克服某些障碍呢?欢迎于2018年5月26日下午来到一汇广场,我们共同探讨。

Each year in May, Startup Grind supports female leaders globally. On 26th May in ISTOP Plaza, Startup Grind Jiangmen is hosting Rachel Cheung, the fonder of JOYO. We are going to have a discussion about several topics. How did Rachel start her business from a trolley case? There is constant controversy on sharing economy due to the conveniences along with hidden dangers. How should practitioners deal with this? Do women need to overcome certain obstacles to achieve self-worth in the workplace? Welcome to join us!

活动信息 | Event Information

时间2018年5月26日(星期六)下午 2:00-5:00

Time: 26th May 2018(Saturday)2:00pm-5:00pm


Location:1/F Music Bar, ISTOP Plaza, Jianshe Road, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen


Language:Cantonese (brief explanation is available if needed)

活动流程 | Agenda

活动形式:嘉宾访谈+自由交流 Fireside Chat & networking

2:00pm-2:30pm 签到&茶歇 Sign-in & Welcome Drink

2:30pm-2:45pm 开场介绍 Opening Intro

2:45pm-3:45pm 嘉宾访谈 Fireside chat with Rachel Cheung

3:45pm-5:00pm 自由交流 Networking

关于嘉宾 | About The Guest


张晓彤 Rachel Cheung,毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)。2015年创立旅游用品共享平台JOYO租游,总部位于香港。除被中外传媒包括CNBC、香港无线电视等广泛报道外,JOYO被南华早报选为全港最佳旅游新创企业之一,Rachel更被The Loop Magazine评为香港30岁以下最优秀创业家之一。如今她也积极活跃于大湾区创新创业及旅游共享事务。

Rachel cheung graduated from UCLA. In 2015, JOYO was established as a travel equipment sharing platform and headquartered in Hong Kong. In addition to being widely reported by Chinese and foreign media including CNBC and Hong Kong TVB, JOYO was selected by the South China Morning Post as one of the best tourism startups in Hong Kong. Rachel was also named by The Loop Magazine as one of the best entrepreneurs under 30 in Hong Kong. Nowadays, she is also actively involved in innovation, entrepreneurship and tourism sharing in the Greater Bay Area.

关于品牌 | About The Brand



已经拥有不同旅行设备的JOYsharers,无论你是滑雪迷、潜水迷、天文迷、摄影迷⋯ 都可以在JOYO租游社区中,与其他JOYers共享你的特别。

JOYO is a platform for travelers to share travel equipment, encouraging explorers to choose the most suitable equipment shared on the platform and promoting multiple experiences in the journey. JOYO believes in combining sharing, environmental protection and happiness to provide travelers with more choices and conveniences.

BE A JOYER. BE A JOYSHARER. JOYers have different travel equipment. Whether you're a ski fan, a diving fan, an astronomy fan or a photography fan,you can share your equipment with other JOYers.

本地合作伙伴 | Local Partners


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全球赞助商 | Global Sponsorship


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